
“If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a Star that doesn’t know it is part of a Sky. “

A study of history should teach us how the world has slowly but surely progressed how the first animals gave place to more complicated and advanced animals,how last of all same the master animal-Man, and how by force of his intellect,be triumphed over the others. Man’s growth from barbarism to civilization is supposed to be the theme of history.

But history is not just a record of the doing of big men,of kings and emperors and the like…..But history should deal, not with a few individuals here and there , but with the people who make up a nation, who work and by their labor produce the necessaries and luxuries of life. and who in a thousand different ways act and react on each other.Such a history of man would really be a fascination story.It would be the story of man’s struggle through ages against Nature and the elements. against wild beasts and the jungle and last ans most difficult of all, against some of his own kind who have tried to keep him down and to exploit him for their own benefit.

History is mainly concerned with ‘the living past.’ We are inevitably the off springs of the past and hence we must know it from History .

History is some thing more-But history is not merely the record of the past; it is something more than that :It explains what we are doing, why we are doing it and how we came to it.”  “History sheds the light of the past’upon the present.”  History is “something far more vital than the record of by gone events and the description of extinct institutions …It gives an explanation of how our later civilization came to take the form it has, and present’ problems it does.”Just as events of  childhood often explain his present life. “It is the past that makes the  present, and that what goes before is the key to what comes after.” Thus History explains and elucidates the present.

History goes a step further. It gets a glimpse of future.”To understand past is to understand ourselves,our possibilities of achievement.”History equips us fir better and successful life……..

“World History is but a recalling of this wonderful creature’s doings, his struggles. achievements and failures in the past that they might instruct his present, and bear fruit in future.”