10 ways to boost your immune system

We suggest a way to keep your immune system so efficient that minor viral or bacterial   attack could  be easily abated; would you not be will to do whatever it takes? Here are  some  simple  ways to do that but first you need to know why vaccinations are bad.

Next time, when you catch a viral flu  or cold, be prudent enough to avoid vaccines as they are prescribed for only high-risk groups.

According to the center for Disease Control, vaccination should be taken by people who have asthma, diabetes, heart disease: pregnant women, children and adults under 24 years of age, caregivers of babies under six months or workers who are in direst contact with patients. If you don,t come in this bracket then vaccine is not for you.

Multi-dose vial vaccine consists of mercury as a preservative. so, pregnant women should only ask for single vial dose as they are free from mercury. but unfortunately there are only limited amount of mercrury free vaccines.

Vaccination is recommend only for high-risk individuals, however, your  immune system needs to be  pumped up by natural ways to avoid any future viral attacks of cold or flu. here food comes to rescue.

  1.  Keep yourself hydrated

For the immune system to function properly drinking enough water on daily basis is really necessary because water is required for every metabolic function in the body. It also deliver nutrients to the cells and helps to remove toxins. keep a filtered water bottle along with  you always . drink soups or broths from vegetables or meat While water is not the only factor when it’s come to staying hydrate It’ does start with water only drink vegetables and fruit juices at home.

The other ways to boost immunity is by eating a diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as nuts, seeds, grain etc. Avoid concentrated fruit juices as they are loaded with sugar. herbal teas such as Echinacea and ginger keep your body function efficient. Here are some most hydrated foods include;

  • Spinach 
  • Bell Peppers 
  • Water melon 
  • Carrots 
  • Celery 
  • Kiwi 
  • Pineapple 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Cucumber 

2.  Use nepotist for saline flush 

Along with fluids intake, you need to flush your sinuses with mild salt water to keep yourself protested from microbes by keeping the mucous membrane moist. always wash it with warm water and soap, and let it air dry before use. don’t use it for more use it for more than two times a day.

 3.  Keep away from simple sugar 

Who does not like a little bit of Sugar ?  Sugar is the delicious part of life that cannot seem to stay away from but It’s also horrible for your health. If you are consuming a hefty amount of sugar in your diet so it’s time for you to stop. Sugar can become diabetes and it reduce your immune system  and lead to obesity too. Sugar does effect your whole body.

Sugar Our diets of course have a great impact on our immune system health.  We should use simple sugar means sugar that contains no fiber  like white and brown sugar, cane sugar , many artificial sugars , Molasses etc. Don’t eat white flour, refined grain items, sweets and desserts as it quickly converts into sugar. research says that sugar. suppresses your immune system for hour

include protein in every meal.

protein builds up your body. you can take both  animal or plant pulses, nuts, beans and seeds) but make sure they are  lean organic and clean. Make it Spicy 

Add turmeric, oregano, ginger, onions and garlic to your soups and vegetable  meals, sauces and curries. onion and garlic contain superb antimicrobial properties.

4.  Eat colorful produce

These  are high in phytonutrients, vitamin C and A that boost your immunity. we recommend coniferous veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, or Brussels sprout; lefty greens, squashes and sweet potatoes. have at least four and plus servings of  veggies daily and three to four  servings of veggies daily and three to four servings fruits.

Eating garlic will make your breath smell but you will be surprised to learn that it has multiple benefits for your health also. This flavorful and robust her can both boost your immune system and clear circulatory issues for better heart health. According to a study conducted at the University of Maryland Medical Center

 5.  Get proper sleep

take at least eight hours sleep daily. sleeping helps to restore and heal the immune system.eight hours of sleep is the best prescription for fighting infection and the immune system recharge during sleep. When you sleep your heartbeat is slower and breathing is more relaxed. spiritual practices  and breathing exercising during the day helps you relate and de-stress too.

Take these adult supplements to boost up your immune system

multi-vitamins/mineral formula. it covers the daily needs of all the vitamins and minerals you need or lack in your diet. go for good-quality, halal-certified, broad spectrum multivitamin and mineral formula.

6.  Take Zinc

Our immune systems need to function at their peak. So Zinc is a mineral that acts as an enzyme factor in white blood cells. When there is a deficiency of Zinc in your system you immune system will tend to become weaker. Some good food sources of Zinc are meat , fish and dairy products. Zinc is important to body in many ways like it keep the immune system very strong , heal wounds and also support normal growth. Commonly Zinc is used to treat skin irritations, diaper rash , acne and ulcer.

Some foods are peaked with nutrients that help immune system functions whereas, others can actually decrease its power to fight back  in cause we get ill. You can also take a zinc supplement but do so under the supervision of your doctor.

7.  Get yourself out in the sun

Sun can be damaging for your skin if you don’t protect yourself but mild sun exposure helps release vitamin D in your body. which is quite beneficial for your immune system and put you in a great mood as well.

White blood cell increase with sun exposure and they play a key role in fighting diseases   infection moderate sun exposure is really helpful for your immune system.Just 15 minutes are enough to get a healthy dose of sun and reap its benefits.

Use Sunscreen each time you go outside and make sure you select a sunscreen with a strong enough sun protection factor to protect you from UV rays. You should choose Sunscreen of at least SPF 30. The SPF should be written somewhere on your sunscreen bottle or If you are suffering from Cancer , or pre-cancer , you should get a sunscreen with SPF 45 or higher. You should also look for the words Broad spectrum on the bottle while you buying.  This will protect you from UVB rays. You should make the effort to reapply sunscreen every two hours so it stay effective and It will keep your immune system in good condition.

8.  Quit Smoking and alcohol

You have heard it a million times before and you will hear at again smoking is bad for you. It wreaks havoc to your internal organs and weakens your immune system because it blocks sufficient oxygen from being delivered to your body cells Additionally, it contains carcinogenic substances which dramatically raise risk of developing cancer and make your immune system too weak to react.

Alcohol is another harmful substance you should avoid because once it enters your system It causes all sorts of harmful chemical reactions and even kills your white cells. The cells responsible for fighting illness and infections. Not only that, it interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy white cell count.

9.  Ginseng

The Ginseng Plant can help you to boost your immune system very clearly and fight infections. The leaves, roots of ginseng plants have been used for maintaining  immune homeostasis and improves the performance of your immune system very fast. It has antimicrobial parts that work as a defense against infections and bacterial. It also help the body to fight microorganisms.

Ginseng is also known as immune modulator. Immune system is composed of diverse type of cells and it has own specialized functions and each type of the immune cells perform differently to ginseng treatment. It also contain different pharmacological components and they can be classified into three various groups based on the chemical structure of aglycones.  It is also known as white ginseng and oriental medicinal herbs, has been widely used as an herbal remedy for different disorders. People have been using ginseng for thousands of years. It allows the tissue to better adapt to its challenges and defeat them. It works in different way. It also work like a community organizer. People like to take it on daily basis but in small amount.   Common ginseng is very inexpensive some unusual ginseng can go for thousands of dollars an ounce. Ginseng has the unique abilities as an immune booster and it is also safe for every body to take. If you want to take ginseng you need to take the panax version take it as a water in your cup of tea. and don’t need to boil it only soak it in hot water.

10.  Laugh with your Heart

They say laughter is the best medicine and there is a point to that It beats stress, keeps your heart racing and strengthens the energy of your immune system laughter is not good for your soul. It is fun to share a good laugh because It can actually improve your health. As we know  Health is Wealth and Laughter is strong medicine too. You can improve your emotional health , strengthen your relationships, find greater happiness and even add years to y our life. This Priceless medicine is fun, free and easy to use. Laughter with Heart decreases stress  hormones , increases immune cells  and fighting antibodies. So if we will say in simple words Laughter play a very good role in boost your immune system and increase your energy too.

it’s also good for your body. It gives Strengthen your immune system , relax muscles, improve circulation lower stress hormones so, It can fight back illness more effectively. So, don’t forget to laugh and spread laughter. It’s contagious. Laughter also improve your sense of well being.



Mexican Foods

Dishes and recipes from the world of traditional Mexican cuisine. We will be omitting dips, sauces, and drinks however, this means that salsa, mole , guacamole, and horchata, will be held off for another day. Will also be skipping the world of Tex-Mex cuisine for now, so save those nachos and chimichangeas for your next party.


Who cays you cannot eat desert first? we are kicking off our list and with this fried sugary treat, which to be fair Isn’t only consumed for dessert.  instead many Mexicans actually start their days off with churros for breakfast althought the pastries popularity is not limited to Mexico.

Spain and Portugal have been known to dip their churros which are essentially dough pastries in their morning caffee. One theory goes that Portuguese explorers exposed Europe to the treat, after bringing them back from their trips to Ming Dynasty china. Whatever these donut like snacks are oh so good The name of the next food is Gordita:


It’s comes from the small rounded masa or dough,  Which surrounds a meat, cheese or veggie gilling , Gorditas are usually prepared with either corn or wheat masa are are either baked or fried in a shape somewhar similar to a British party or savory popover. The best thing about these little pockets of wood love however , Is that they can filled with just about anything imaginable making them a versatile snack or supper for any time of the day. The traditional Mexican dish known as so is an other handy snack food with a variety if delicious preparations. the base of the sope begins with a lime soaked fried corn dough which is then topped with re fried beans visit veggies and sauce to the chef; taste


Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that millions of people have, and don’t even know it.From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut syndrome only hurts the digestive system, but it can lead to many other health conditions. Think of the lining of your digestive tract like a net with very small holes in it that only lets some things pass through. You gut lining works as a wall to keep out the bigger pieces that can harm your system.When someone has leaky gut, the net in the digestive tract gets damaged, which causes bigger holes to form in the net, so things that usually can’t pass through are now able to.

Some of the things that can pass through are proteins like gluten, bad bacteria, and undigested food pieces. Toxic waste can also leak from the inside of your intestinal wall into your bloodstream, causing an immune reaction.This leads to swelling throughout your system and causes things like:bloating food sensitivities Thyroid conditions Fatigue , joint pain, headaches, skin issues like rosacea and acne Digestive problems, weight gain syndrome x . If left unfixed, it can lead to worse health problems like inflammatory bowel disease,arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, depression, anxiety, migraine headaches, muscle pain, and chronic fatigue.

Leaky gut syndrome has been linked to other psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. So, in many cases, If you can heal the gut, you can heal the brain. Studies show that the cause of your food allergies, low energy, join pain, thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions, and slow metabolism could be leaky gut symptom spreading through your body. Another problem with leaky gut is that it can stop important minerals and nutrients, like zinc, iron and vitamin B12, from being taken in. There are few main causes of leaky gut, including:

Poor Diet:

Foods that have a lot of lectins are a bigger  problem. Some of the lectins and food that cause leaky gut are wheat, rice, spelt, and soy. While you are trying to cure leaky gut, stay away from all grains, especially those that contain gluten like wheat. Cow’s milk is an other food that can cause leaky gut. The component of dairy that will harm your gut is the protein A1 casein. Also the pasteurization process will kill important enzymes, making sugars like lactose very hard to digest.

Sugar is another thing that can harm your digestive system. Sugar will feed the growth of yeas, candida, and bad bacteria, which will hurt your gut even more.

Chronic Stress:

Stress weakens your immune system over time, which ruins the body’s power to fight bad bacteria and viruses. This leads to swelling and leaky gut. To lessen stress, It’s a good idea to get more sleep add fun into your week, and practice meditation.


we meet up with over 80,000 chemicals and toxins every single year, but the ones that cause leaky gut are antibiotics,pesticides, tap water, aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs. one of the main causes of leaky gut is a condition called dysbiosis.


Health Benefits of Ginger

Eat Ginger every day for 1 month and this will happen to you body. You may know that ginger is a common ingredient in Asian and Indian cuisine, but did you know that it’s been used for centuries for its healing properties? Ginger has a long history of health benefits, including relief from nausea, digestive issues and pain. The most commonly used part of the plant for medicinal purposes is the root or underground stem, known as the rhizome. it can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice or used in the form of an oil or as juice. If you don’t use ginger in your kitchen, here are 8 reasons why you might want to start!

Ginger Relieves Digestive Issues:

The phenolic compounds in ginger have been shown to help relieve irritation in the gastrointestinal tract. They help to stimulate saliva and bile production while allowing food and fluids to move thought the GI tract more smoothly. In a study of 24 healthy individuals, taking 1.2 grams of ginger powder before a meal accelerated emptying of the stomach, reducing indigestion by 50% .

Ginger Relieves Nausea:

Drinking ginger tea or even consuming raw ginger is a common and safe home remedy for nausea, especially during cancer treatment or pregnancy and morning sickness. A review of 12 studies that included a total of 1,278 pregnant women found that 1.1-1.5 grams of ginger significantly reduced nausea.

Ginger Can Relieve Pain:

A study conducted at the University of Georgia found that daily ginger supplementation reduced muscle pain by 25%.Ginger has also been found to reduce pain during menstrual cycles. Researchers also believe that ginger is effective at reducing the day to day progression of muscle pain.

Ginger Reduce Inflammation:

Osteoarthritis is a common health problem that involves the degeneration of the joints in the body, causing joint pain and stiffness. In a trial of 247 people with osteoarthritis of the knee, those who took ginger extract had less pain and required less pain medication.

Ginger May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease:

In a recent study involving participants with type 2 diabetes. researchers found that 2 grams of ginger powder each day lowered blood. sugar and led to a 10% overall reduction over a period of 12 weeks. High blood sugar is a major risk factor for heart disease.with the effects of ginger on blood sugar, your risk of heart disease may be lowered by at least 10%.

Ginger May Lower Cholesterol Levels:

A 45 day study involving 85 people with high cholesterol concluded that 3 grams of ginger powder each day caused significant reductions in cholesterol levels. Researchers believe that ginger can aid in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Ginger May Have Anti-Cancer Properties:

A substance in ginger known as 6 Ginger has been studied as an alternative treatment  for several types of cancer. Research on this theory is till being conducted, but one study found that 2 grams of ginger extract each day significantly reduced pro-inflammatory signaling molecules in the colon.

Ginger Improve Brain Function:

Oxadative stress and chronic inflammation are two factors that can accelerate the aging process, and become a key driver of Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related cognitive impairments.


Turmeric Health Benefits

Lots of people use the turmeric herb in their cooking.The main signs of turmeric are its pepper like smell, sharp taste, and golden color.Turmeric is known to stop swelling, kill bacteria and viruses, as well as many other things.It is also full of nutrients, like protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamins C,E, and K, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. Because of this turmeric is a great thing to use to cure health problems.Here are many things turmeric  can be used for.

Prevent Cancer:

Turmeric can block prostate cancer and even kill cancer cells.it can also stop tumor cells from growing, so it can guard the body from getting cancer in the first place.

Relieves Arthritis:

Because Turmeric brings down swelling, its great to use for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also kills germs that harm body cells.People with rheumatoid arthritis who eat turmeric all the time have gotten much rest from pain and joint swelling.

Controls Diabetes:

Turmeric can help cure diabetes, by keeping insulin at levels.It also helps with sugar control, and makes the medicine used for diabetes work.But if used with strong medicines, turmeric can cause low blood sugar, so make sure to ask your doctor before you take turmeric capsules.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels:

Using Turmeric as a spice can bring down cholesterol levels. Because high cholesterol can causes other health problems, it is important to stay on top of it to stop heart disease.

Immunity Booster:

Turmeric helps keep the body’s immune system going.It also helps strengthen the immune system, because it kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi.This stops you from getting colds, coughs, and the flu.To help you feel better if you do not get sick, mix one teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink it once a day.

Heals Wounds:

Because turmeric naturally kills germs and bacteria, it can be used to clean wounds. If you have a cut or burn, sprinkle some turmeric powder on it to help it heal quicker.It can also help treat psoriasis- itchy, dead skin and other skin conditions.

Weight Management:

Turmeric powder can help keep the body at a proper weight, by helping break down fat.Someone who wants to lose weight or treat obesity and sicknesses that come with it can have one teaspoon of turmeric with every meal.

Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease:

Swelling of the brain is one of the main reasons for cognitive disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease.Turmeric can keep the brain healthy, by helping oxygen flow.This can also slow down or totally stop Alzheimer’s disease.

Improve Digestion:

Turmeric can help with digestion, by lessening bloating and gas. It can also help treat inflammatory bowel disease. But be careful, because if you suffer from a gallbladder disease you should not take turmeric, as that can make it worse. Also if you have a digestive problem, it is best to eat raw turmeric, and not capsules.

Prevents Liver Disease:

Turmeric is a natural way to force poisons from the liver. The liver takes poison out the blood, and turmeric helps make the enzymes that keep it working.It also helps strengthen, and better blood flow.


Health effects of improper use of mobile

Smartphone all the hours days weeks and years that you spend in a forward looking down position that becomes a very serious problem to our neck and out upper shoulder region it’s not only you what about your children your family your loved ones look at the hours that they spend in that forward head position x all those long hours and imagine what kind of damage it’s going to their spine look at the burden of staring at your smartphone 12 pounds is normal way to the head 15 degrees looking forward 27 pounds of weight your head is 30 degrees forty pounds , 45 degrees 49 pounds and sixty degrees 60 pounds of  stress the back of those muscles ligaments and tendons are trying to hold up the weight of that head research shows that the average person is spending to 24 hours with their head in a drop down position that 702 1400 hours of excessive stress you are putting on the neck and the cervical spine the forward head posture leads to neck pain over the head behind the eyes headaches pain into the arm tingling numbness pain between the shoulder blades pain into the chest region bulging discs herniated discs spondylosis  arthritis osteoarthritis degenerative joint disease and many many more problems. It’s hard to imagine the amount of stress that the muscles and ligaments behind her neck are holding up trying to withstand the weight of your head going against gravity imagine is holding up a bowling ball that weighs eight pounds holding it up in front of you.after seconds how much pain and discomfort your shoulders going to till early ages of 20,25 and 30 shows significant degeneration osteoarthritis extra calcium in the joint and wear and tear that’s going on because of the excessive weakness and instability the discs in the neck area become more compressed causing the intervertebal foramen the holes where the nerves come out of to become more irritated and inflamed causing pain and dysfunction significant amount of early advanced degenerative changes osteoarthritis all this extra calcium being late in the joints because of the instability quite common the deformation of the anterior forward head posture have a body compensates as a result of its instability something that you might have to learn to live with the rest of your life pronated shoulders the shoulders rounding forward due to the anterior stress against gravity as the body  starts to change because it is improper posture quite common with excessive headaches pulling behind the skull as a result of these muscles that are shortening because you are hunched forward the pronation the internal rotation of the shoulders limits the ability for you to inspire the full amount of oxygen because your lungs are not fully operable the forward head posture is causing excessive stretch into the ligaments behind the neck and shoulders those ligaments are becoming stretched like a rubber band therefore not allowing the  body to have proper support and stability. It’s unrealistic that people will stop using their cell phones so you need to make a change if your head is in a forward position you need to bring the head upward position you need to being the head upward with your shoulders in line with your ears you need to bring the phone up to your eyes you need to tuck the chin if you are going to spend a lot of time looking down.


Top 5 Deadliest Diseases

You ever wondered what are the deadliest diseases ever will often struck the top 5 list of their deadliest diseases of all the time. Let’s read.


Tuberculosis also called TV this is the bacteria that typically attacks the lungs this bacteria can also affect your plane your spine and your kidney tuberculosis is fatal and his widespread one third of the world’s population has been affected by this . In fact there’s new infection occurring in about 1% of the population each year 2007 there is an estimated 13.7 million people who had the bacteria in 2013 there was nine million new cases in about 1.5 million associated deaths.


We are taking about starts the long form of stars is serve a cute respiratory syndrome but for short and simplicity let’s call its ar-15 the viral respiratory illness caused by a corona-virus stars first reported in Asia back in 2003 and over the next few months the disease spread to more than two dozen other countries stars  the spread for a closed person to person contact there were a thousand ninety eight confirmed cases of starts from the beverage 2002 all the way to July two thousand three with 774 deaths. there is currently no cure for sorry but research to find a vaccine is ongoing all right.


Measles is a highly contagious respiratory disease this is a deadly disease because It’s airborne vaccines for this has become available since 2005 before this there has been an estimated 2.6 million deaths each year but recently back in 2013 eighty four percent of children worldwide  received one dose of the measles vaccine and this was all by the first birthday and this is through the health services sine this vaccine It’s helped prevented 15.6 million deaths this was developed by Maurice hillman he was an American microbiologist who specialize in vaccines his developed over 36 of them including months hepatitis A be chicken pox meningitis and ammonia and that’s just the name a few he’s also been created for saving the most amount of lives than any other medical scientist in the 20th century how crazy is that.

Yellow Fever:

This is also known as yellow jack or the yellow play yellow fever is transmitted to humans via fights by mosquitoes out this is mostly occurs in south america or Africa it’s estimated 200 thousand new cases every single year with 3,000 people losing their lives nearly 1 billion people live in these areas where it’s very common now that is very scary.


HIV also known as human immune over virus or for simplicity again let’s just call it HIV this attacks with white blood cells in your body which helps your body to fight disease this disease can be managed  but age the final stage of the infection has claimed the lives of  more than 39 million people one of the most famous big athletes to ever first have this with magic Johnson in the NBA. it was so scary that he stopped playing ball because he didn’t want to get in contact with other people so it was such a mystery to what it was.



Top 5 Things about Barbie:

Barbie’s First Outfit:

Barbies first outfit with thousands of different looks over the years. Barbie’s wardrobe gives cher Horowitz a  run for her money where my white college are friends. Oh back in nineteen fifty nine the fashionistas very first look was a black and white striped swimsuit.she also wore her trademark ponytail available in either blonde or brown hair the first Barbie cost three dollars or roughly twenty five to thirty dollars today with other clothes and accessories sold separately.she made her debut at the 1959 American International toy fair in New York and saw sales skyrocket after her first commercial that scene years since then she’s only become more valuable in 2006 and original Barbie was sold at an auction for over twenty seven thousand dollars almost 60 years later this trailblazer continues to be in style.

Human Barbie

Human Barbie belt figure and unmistakable but those proportions would be unhealthy and downright impossible for a human woman to achieve she is a dull after all you are a child flurry third still that hasn’t stopped some woman from emulating her Blondie Bennett has spent over thirty thousand dollars and  plastic surgery to look like Barbie and even plays a part there’s Valeria lukyanova who been called the human barbie for her  hourglass bigger.

Barbie’s Diversity:

It’s worth every penny number seven Barbies diversity what Michelle’s diversity when you think of Barbies appearance chances you are thinking of blonde hair blue eyes and her unrealistically send shape our guide by these three if your hands arms and accessories inside the car and no flash photography, Mattel has sold Barbies of different ethincities over the years but they have all basically share the same body in 2015 the company introduced 23 new dollars with various skin tone and hair styles.


Five Huge benefits of Papaya Seeds

Papaya is delicious fruit that has become very famous for all its many health benefits, thanks to its content of fiber, calcium, phosphorus , iron, papain, thiamine, niacin, and vitamins which especially boost intestinal movement and the immune system. Papaya comes from Mexico and other Central American countries. when the conquistadors arrived, they took the papaya seed throughout south America and other places in the world like Malaysia, the Philippines, China and Hawaii. The papaya has sine turned into a popular fruit in many areas around the world. It is full of properties and its delicious flavor also makes it great for desserts juices or eating it on its own. However, most people who eat papaya remove its seeds without realizing that they can also be eaten and have significant health benefits. Would you like to find out what the benefits of eating papaya seeds are?

Protect the Kidney Eating papaya seeds helps prevent Kidney failure problems and also helps treatment when you are already suffering from this problem.  for this cause especially, we recommend chewing 7 papaya seeds 7 times a day.

Help Cleanse The liver:

The liver is one of the most important organs in your body because its task is to filter toxins and toxic substance to prevent many disease. when this organ is affected by some kind of illness, you are at risk of developing chronic problems.  for that reason, it is important to give it a hand and help cleanse the substance it does not need. In that sense, papaya seeds can be huge allies, especially cases of liver cirrhosis.  For that reason, you should grind 5 papaya seeds, mix with a tablespoon of lemon and drink the mixture twice a day for a month.

Improve Intestinal Health:

Thanks to their high amount of anti parasitic enzymes, papaya seeds improve intestinal health. these have an anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine, which has the ability to get rid of intestinal parasites.



Top 5 Laws Queen Elizabeth Does not follow


Seize Treasure:

She can seize treasure nobody but the queen can walk into the Tower of London pick up a whole load of jewels and just walk on out they’d be arrested batteries very quickly this statement that Britain owns the Royal jewels is actually false their royal assets when presented in public exhibitions they are done so by gracious permission of the Queen and the Queen owns an insane collection of jewels and art including 600 Leonardo da Vinci work so he wanted to paper her lavatory watered them she literally could I for one would really like me a crown.

Pet Dolphin:

She could have a pet dolphin while a pet dolphin while its illegal to have a dolphin in captivity in the Uk the Queen actually owns all the whales sturgeon and dolphins and porpoises if they are swimming in UK water they are the Queen’s this basically means if she really really wanted to have a huge fish tank installed at Buckingham Palace with a few token dolphins legally she could what i am pretty sure she’d be advised against it.

Can Shoplift:

Shoplift so you may know that the Queen does not have to pay tax from watching our part one but did you know that technically the Queen does not have to pay for anything if there is a national emergency for example the Queen is the only person who can legally loop there is a law that says in the national emergency the Queen can take private property.

Print Cash:

Queen has her very own personal cash point and Buckingham Palace the cash point is provided by cots one of Britain’s most prestigious Bank imagine that like you need cash so you just pop downstairs to the royal family private cash machine and draw some out no more checking the back of the sofa for pet’s the money how the other half.

Australian Government:

She can fire the Australian government apparently so anyway I mean you cannot fire the Australian government you can not even try it’s against the law however Queenie baby can waltz right in and lay down hat law in 1975.the Queen actually did the fire the Aussie p.m. Fire High Representative Sir John Kerr I mean If we’re being really technical she could also fire the prime minister of the UK but she probably wouldn’t also she could probably fire the Prime Minister of Canada.

Break and Enter:

She can break and enter one of the Queen’s Prerogative powers if powers to enter upon cake and destroy private property international emergency basically if would war three ever happens or somebody so much as launches a mist out to the UK or assassinate to the Prime Minister the Queen could use our emergency measures to break. she is also allowed to vandalize property again as part of the same power. She can enter upon take and destroy private property. its pretty clear here she can vandalize stuff serve the queen keys your car or throws a brick through.